19th June 2021 brought together Management and teachers of Mary Immaculate High School, Mary Immaculate School and the Kindergarten on a virtual platform.
Sr. Rosevera, the Principal of Mary Immaculate School initiated the program by saying , “The day we stop learning, we stop growing. Let’s renew, refresh and set ourselves in the right path to attain personal and professional goals.”
The program commenced by invoking God’s blessings through a meaningful prayer service led by Sr. Rosevera and Sr. Betsy.
Sr. Clare, the administrator of the school welcomed Rev. Father Clifford Fernandes, the Resource person of the day, Sr Ida Barboza, Joint Secretary Managing Committee Mary Immaculate Institutions, Sr. Sevika the Headmistress of Mary Immaculate High School and the teaching fraternity. Sr. Clare introduced Fr. Clifford as a Counsellor, Educationist, Retreat Preacher and Spiritual Director to young seminarians.
Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes in his two hour session enumerated the various qualities of a teacher like adaptability, understanding, reliability, patience, humour, empathy etc. Apart from these inherent qualities , father also stressed on personal grooming and appearance as children look up to their teachers as role models. Father reiterated the importance of renewing ourselves through 4 wheel mechanism of healthy body, intelligence, good inter personal relations and spiritual growth. The two hours session interspersed with funny and meaningful anecdotes helped us to introspect ourselves.
Mrs. Margaret Joseph in her words of gratitude extolled Rev. Fr. Clifford for his beautiful workshop and thanked the management and Principal Sr. Rosevera for convening this much needed Orientation Program.
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